The Curriculum Development Process
The Curriculum Development Process
Phase I: Planning, Vision, and Purpose
Phase I: Planning, Vision, and Purpose
Key Actions in this phase include: District Leaders Planning and Establishing the Vision
Phase II: Planning for Adoption
Phase II: Planning for Adoption
Key Actions in Phase II include: Examine Best Practices, Standards, and Instructional Shifts and Develop the rubric and prepare for reviews.
Phase III: Review & Pilot Decision Making
Phase III: Review & Pilot Decision Making
Key Actions in this phase include: Review, pilot, and decide.
Phase IV: Implementation and Ongoing Professional Learning
Phase IV: Implementation and Ongoing Professional Learning
Key Actions in Phase IV: Set goals, roles, and a monitoring plan, Understand the design and demands of your materials, Determine the plan for professional learning, Determine the plan for observation and feedback, and Determine the plan for assessment and grading.
Observation Tools:
Unit Internalization: